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Constitution of the Illinois Athletic Trainers Association



Article 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Illinois Athletic Trainers Association, Inc. (IATA).

Article 2: Definition of a licensed athletic trainer

As defined by the Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act a:

“Licensed athletic trainer” means a person licensed to practice athletic training as defined in this Act and with the specific qualifications set forth in Section 9 of this Act who, upon the direction of his or her team physician or consulting physician, carries out the practice of prevention/emergency care or physical reconditioning of injuries incurred by athletes participating in an athletic program conducted by an educational institution, professional athletic organization, or sanctioned amateur athletic organization employing the athletic trainer; or a person who, under the direction of a physician, carries out comparable functions for a health organization-based extramural program of athletic training services for athletes. Specific duties of the athletic trainer include but are not limited to:
  1. Supervision of the selection, fitting, and maintenance of protective equipment
  2. Provision of assistance to the coaching staff in the development and implementation of conditioning programs
  3. Counseling of athletes on nutrition and hygiene
  4. Supervision of athletic training facility and inspection of playing facilities
  5. Selection and maintenance of athletic training equipment and supplies
  6. Instruction and supervision of student athletic trainer staff
  7. Coordination with a team physician to provide:
    1. pre-competition physical exam and health history updates 
    2. game coverage or phone access to a physician or paramedic 
    3. follow-up injury care
    4. reconditioning programs, and
    5. assistance on all matters pertaining to the health and well-being of athletes.
  8. Provision of on-site injury care and evaluation as well as appropriate transportation, follow-up treatment and rehabilitation as necessary for all injuries sustained by athletes in the program
  9. With a physician, determination of when an athlete may safely return to full participation post-injury; and
  10. Maintenance of complete and accurate records of all athletic injuries and treatments rendered.

To carry out these functions the athletic trainer is authorized to utilize modalities, including, but not limited to, heat, light, sound, cold, electricity, exercise, or mechanical devices related to care and reconditioning.

Article 3: Objectives

The objectives of this association shall be:

  1. The advancement, promotion, and improvement of the athletic training profession at all levels, and to promote a better working relationship among those persons interested in athletic training.
  2. To further develop the professional abilities of each of its members.
  3. To better serve the common interests of its members by providing a means for a free exchange of ideas within the profession.
Article 4: Membership

SECTION 1. Qualifications for membership and the rights and obligations of members shall be defined in the By-Laws.

SECTION 2. Membership in the IATA shall be based on completion of requirements for membership as listed in the By-Laws.

Article 5: Dues

The annual dues of all members shall be prescribed by the GLATA dues structure or as defined in the By-Laws.

Article 6: Suspension of members

SECTION 1. Membership suspension may be recommended as prescribed by the By-Laws, by any member of the IATA. The membership of any member can be suspended by a two-thirds majority vote of the BOD.

SECTION 2. APPEALS: A person whose membership is suspended in accordance with Section 1 shall be allowed, either in person or through a member of the IATA, to appeal to the BOD for reconsideration. The BOD by two-thirds majority vote decides whether to reinstate the membership privileges.

Article 7: Voting power

SECTION 1. All eligible members as defined in the By-Laws shall be entitled to one vote upon all questions submitted to the IATA for decision.

SECTION 2. THE SINGLE-TRANSFERABLE-VOTE SYSTEM. The single-transferable-vote system works so that a voter will mark their first, second, and third, etc. choices, by the numbers 1, 2, and 3. For example: J. Black 3 M. Brown 1 W. James 2 The voter marking the ballot voted for M. Brown as their first choice, W. James as their second choice, and J. Black as their third choice. When compiling these votes to determine a winner, all the first choice votes are counted for each candidate. Then, if no candidate gets a majority of the total vote, the candidate having the smallest first choice is declared out of the race and their ballots are all re-counted in accordance with the second choice indicated on each ballot. If the addition of these second choice ballots does not give any candidate a majority of the total vote, the candidate with the lowest total on this second count is declared out of the race and their ballots are recounted according to the next choice on the each ballot. This system continues until there is only one candidate remaining. In principle this single-transferable-vote system is the same as the double election system because in a primary election you vote for your first choice. Then in the run-off election (should your original candidate have been eliminated) you vote for the remaining candidate.

Article 8: Board of Directors

SECTION 1. The governing body of this organization shall be the BOD (President, President-elect, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Regional Representatives, Governmental Affairs Director, Communications Director, Membership Director, Development Director, Public Relations Director, and the State Representative to the GLATA Executive Council). They shall execute the powers and duties as outlined in the By-Laws of the IATA. .

SECTION 2. PRESIDENT-ELECT: Elected by a majority of the ballots cast by the voting membership of the IATA. The term of office shall be a one-year term followed by a two year term as President, followed by a one year term as a member of the BOD as Past President. The term of office shall begin at the time of initiation of new business during the annual business meeting of the IATA.

SECTION 3. VICE-PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER, MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR, AND REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, and Regional Representatives shall be elected by a majority vote of ballots cast by the voting membership. Regional Representatives are elected by the members from the area they represent. Each of these BOD members serve a term of two years. They may be re-elected.

SECTION 4. GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, AND PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR. Governmental Affairs Director, Communications Director, Development Director, Public Relations Director and State Representative to the GLATA Executive Council shall be appointed by the President with approval of a two-thirds vote of the other members of the BOD.

SECTION 5. In the event that the office of President becomes vacant before the end of the term for which the President was elected, the Vice-President shall become the President immediately and shall serve as President for the remainder of the term or period for which the previous President was elected. In this event, the Regional Representatives under direction of the new President will share the duties of the Vice-President. 

SECTION 6. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. Any officer(s) can be suspended by two-thirds majority vote of the non-involved BOD members on the following grounds of BOD recognized suspicion of embezzlement, malfeasance in office, and actions contrary to or in violation of this Constitution and its By-Laws. Before impeachment proceedings can be initiated, a brief, containing the charges shall be drawn up and presented to the BOD. The aforementioned brief must then be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of those BOD members not mentioned in the brief prior to the formal presentation of the charges at which time that officer will be suspended from all duties. Impeachment of any officer shall require a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum of the voting membership of the IATA, present at any meeting of the membership.

Article 9: Committees

The President with the majority approval of the BOD shall appoint all committees.

Article 10: Meeting

SECTION 1. The annual business meeting shall be held each year at a time and place set by the BOD. A quorum for the meeting shall consist of the voting membership of the IATA present at the meeting.

SECTION 2. The Board of Directors may submit items of IATA business to the voting membership. Approval of items so submitted shall require a "yes" majority of the quorum present of the voting membership of the IATA.

SECTION 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at the annual IATA State Meeting and Symposium. Additional meeting(s) will be at the discretion of the President and the BOD. Any special meeting can be convened as authorized in Article IV. Section 4 of the By-Laws.

Article 11: Amendments to the Constitution

SECTION 1. All proposed amendments to the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the President at least six weeks prior to the annual business meeting. The President shall distribute copies of the proposal to all voting members at least three weeks prior to the annual business meeting.

SECTION 2. A proposed amendment to the constitution that has been properly submitted shall be read at the annual business meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of the quorum present shall be necessary for the adoption of the said amendment.

Article 12: Amendments to the Bylaws

The By-Laws may be amended at any official meeting of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds majority vote.



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