Dear IATA Members,
The video sent out by the BOC through email and social media outlets last week has generated much attention. For those who have not seen the video, it can be seen here:
CPC Open Comment 2021
The video explains the proposed Continuing Professional Certification (CPC) concept as the new alternative to the traditional CEU reporting procedure.
On Monday, the BOC sent all athletic trainers a follow-up email containing an online resource document that details the items highlighted during the video. This document provides an overview and explanation of the concept, definitions for the CPC and its framework, the component tools, and a timeline for items required during the proposed 5-year reporting window. This document can be found here:
CPC Public Comment Resource
The Continuing Professional Certification (CPC) concept has been in the works for almost two years; however, the global pandemic became everyone’s number one priority. The BOC sent out an email to all athletic trainers on November 16, 2019, outlining Continuing Professional Certification and the soft launch/pilot testing of Professional Goals Appraisal (PGA), Competency Assessment Modules (CAMs), and Quality Improvement (QI). This correspondence can be viewed here:
Continuing Professional Certification (CPC)
Upon reviewing the video, documents, emails, and open comment whiteboard, I have found some key points that should prove helpful when reviewing this concept.
Continuous Professional Certification (CPC)
Three pillars:
1. Professionalism
a. Professional Goals Appraisal (PGA)
i. Assessment of core knowledge and clinical expertise
ii. Opportunity to outline professional goals
iii. Professional development activities are recommended based on results
2. Continuing Professional Development
a. Competency Assessment Modules (CAMs)
i. One due in 5 year reporting period
ii. Includes journal article readings and a brief assessment
b. 100 CEUs, 20 must be Category A
3. Practice Performance
a. Quality Improvement Projects (QI) : **Optional**
i. Identify relevant practice problems of needed improvement
ii. Provide a methodology to work through the problem
iii. Generate solutions to improve patient outcomes
Less overall CEUs counter a few additional required items during a five year period (100 vs. 125). The proposed CPC concept is set to begin in 2024, allowing for time to adjust and make changes based on feedback and use of the CPC Tools (PGA, CAMs, QIs).
Per information provided by the BOC, this is a new certification concept that is currently in an open comment period seeking feedback from certified ATs. The reasoning provided for this change is to aid the athletic trainer in the selection of “mindful and intentional selection of professional development activities.”
The BOC has extended the open comment period to September 30, 2021, and I strongly encourage everyone to voice their opinion on this. You can express your comments via Miro WhiteBoard, email, or phone call.
You can make Miro Whiteboard comments here: Miro Whiteboard - BOC CPC Open Comment
Or email:
Or call: (877) 262-3926
I hope this has proved useful, and should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you,

Nicholas E. Grahovec, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Education Committee Chair | Illinois Athletic Trainers Association